Journal of Threatened Taxa

The Journal of Threatened Taxa is not accepting any new submissions for two weeks, 15–31 March 2021. For the first time in 22 years JoTT is working on a system to ensure its sustainability and in doing so a few changes are going to be put in place. In order to do that, we are taking a 15-day break from inviting new submissions. All existing submissions will be in process and the back end for those will be available for the authors, reviewers, and editors to work on. If you have plans to submit a new manuscript to JoTT, just wait until the 1st of April 2021 to submit.

The Journal of Threatened Taxa is not accepting any new submissions for two weeks, 15–31 March 2021. For the first time in 22 years JoTT is working on a system to ensure its sustainability and in doing so a few changes are going to be put in place. In order to do that, we are taking a 15-day break...

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