ورقة بحثية
Unique Cost Saving Solution Applied in Tight Gaz Field in Sultanate of Oman to miligate corrosion and well Integrity Damage

Abdul-Majid, Imran.


Unique Cost Saving Solution Applied in Tight Gaz Field in Sultanate of Oman to miligate corrosion and well Integrity Damage

Abdul-Majid, Imran.

المؤلف : Abdul-Majid, Imran.

المساهم : Ajayi AYOTUNDE
Shihab, Balushi

التصنيف الموضوعي : العلوم الاجتماعية|الاقتصاد .

المواضيع : cost saving solution .

Gaz .

المصدر : Z-Library : .

الروابط : https://z-lib.org/

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