مقالة علمية
Impact of Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Spacing Practice on Real-world Classroom Vocabulary Learning

Muqaibal, Muna.


Impact of Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Spacing Practice on Real-world Classroom Vocabulary Learning

Muqaibal, Muna.

This paper examines the impact of time distribution (intensive versus spaced), using Quizlet for vocabulary learning among low-ability L2 English language learners in actual practice at an Omani college. It reports on a study exploring the perceptions of teachers and students concerning the use and implementation of Quizlet. Quizlet activities were consequently analysed with reference to Nation and Webb’s (2011) Technique Feature Analysis (TFA) Framework. The findings show that the Intensive and Spaced Groups scored equally and significantly higher than the Control Group in the post-tests. Moreover, Quizlet was found to be effective for vocabulary learning, with a relatively high percentage, which corresponded to the TFA criteria. Additionally, both the teachers and students generally considered Quizlet to be beneficial for vocabulary learning, expressing their willingness to use it in future. Reflection on this application in practice with low-achieving English language learners is one of this paper’s key contributions to existing knowledge.

This paper examines the impact of time distribution (intensive versus spaced), using Quizlet for vocabulary learning among low-ability L2 English language learners in actual practice at an Omani college. It reports on a study exploring the perceptions of teachers and students concerning the us...

مادة فرعية

المؤلف : Muqaibal, Muna.

بيانات النشر : United Kingdom : Nitaj، .

التصنيف الموضوعي : العلوم الاجتماعية|التربية والتعليم .

المواضيع : English language - Study and teaching .

English language - Teaching methods .

رقم الطبعة : 3

المصدر : المجلس الاستشاري الطلابي العماني في المملكة المتحدة = Omani Student’s Advisory Council : United Kingdom.

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