European Journal of Plastic Surgery

Europe has long been an area of dynamic development in plastic surgery, adapting to differing cultures, traditions, and medical and surgical philosophies. Recently, these changes have been even more striking and rapid. Microsurgery, tissue expansion, craniofacial surgery, and the spin-offs of these techniques have made permanent changes in trauma, the treatment of malignancy, and aesthetic surgery. The "European Journal of Plastic Surgery" creates a focal point for discussion of advances in clinical technique and in research, in Europe and worldwide. Topics include plastic and reconstructive surgery, head and neck surgery, aesthetic and craniofacial surgery, microsurgery, trauma, and burn management.

Europe has long been an area of dynamic development in plastic surgery, adapting to differing cultures, traditions, and medical and surgical philosophies. Recently, these changes have been even more striking and rapid. Microsurgery, tissue expansion, craniofacial surgery, and the spin-offs of these ...

بيانات النشر : springer، .

التصنيف الموضوعي : العلوم التطبيقية|العلوم الطبية .

المواضيع : medical - SULTANAT OF OMAN.

surgical philosophies - SULTANATE OF OMAN.

رقم الطبعة : 45

نوع الإصدار : أسبوعية

المصدر : springer : .

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