International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management

The International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) provides timely and in-depth analysis on the globalization and sustained development of Asian commerce and management technologies with a clear international and interdisciplinary approach, especifically focused on Central Asia/Himalayan region/Southeast Asia/Far East. A comprehensive resource for policy makers, government officials, academicians, and practitioners, this journal contains a wealth of valuable research on theories and practices which underpin successful business and management in Asia.

The International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) provides timely and in-depth analysis on the globalization and sustained development of Asian commerce and management technologies with a clear international and interdisciplinary approach, especifically focused on Centr...

بيانات النشر : IGI Global، .

التصنيف الموضوعي : العلوم الاجتماعية|العلوم السياسية .

المواضيع : POLICY .


نوع الإصدار : أسبوعية

المصدر : Routledge : .

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