Heat sink is a fundamental device that is used mostly in electronic circuits for purpose of cooling. By increasing of power consumption in CPU processor, and by reducing the dimension of electronic circuits has become important in dealing with the thermal problem. This problem will minimize the performance of the CPU processor substantially. Also, it this issue will affect the lifetime of the processor. To avoid such problem, heat sink is used to distribute the heat flux in a CPU processor the arrangement of suitable heat sink shapes needs a compromise with many aspects such as space, weight and cost. This study aims to compare the effect of a pin fin, as a heat sink, shapes in terms of heat transfer rate with another researchers' work. Also, to investigate the effect of fluid flow on the heat transfer near the heat sink. In this study, the analysis is done using COMSOL Multiphysics software.
Heat sink is a fundamental device that is used mostly in electronic circuits for purpose of cooling. By increasing of power consumption in CPU processor, and by reducing the dimension of electronic circuits has become important in dealing with the thermal problem. This problem will minimize the perf...
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