A 60‑year‑old female presented with the complaint of decreased vision in the left eye for 3 months following cataract surgery. She was a known case of high myopia and pseudoexfoliation in both eyes and had undergone an uneventful cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation 3 months ago. Her aided visual acuity at presentation was 6/18 in the left eye. The right eye had significant cataract (aided visual acuity 6/18) and the left eye was pseudophakic with the presence of radial folds in the capsular bag and anterior capsular phimosis [Figure 1]. Anterior capsular phimosis is centripetal fibrosis and contraction of anterior capsule, often associated with a small capsulorhexis, chronic intraocular inflammation, pseudoexfoliation, diabetes mellitus, myotonic muscular dystrophy, and retinitis pigmentosa.[1‑5] The patient underwent surgical capsulotomy and gained 6/9 vision on the last follow‑up.
A 60‑year‑old female presented with the complaint of decreased vision in the left eye for 3 months following cataract surgery. She was a known case of high myopia and pseudoexfoliation in both eyes and had undergone an uneventful cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation 3 months ag...
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