The Oman Academic Accreditation Authority is developing a national system of program accreditation applicable to all higher education programs in Oman. This paper explores the rationale for the development of this system. Globally, there is an increasing number of accreditation bodies working internationally which provide opportunities for HEIs to accredit their programs. A number of HEIs in Oman either have or are in the process of seeking program accreditation from such bodies; while this is something the OAAA encourages, it does not consider external program accreditation a replacement for national accreditation. Examination of different international program accreditation systems illustrates how these vary in their scope, apply standards which vary in detail, use different assessment processes, and deliver outcomes that are different in meaning. Different systems vary too in their rigour and transparency. This complex accreditation landscape is also impacted by the growth of ‘accreditation mills’ which award accreditation without requiring appropriate standards to be met. Accreditation of different programs across the country by different organisations therefore does not create a ‘level playing field’. Without this, it is difficult for students, employers and the wider public, to form a clear view about the merits of a program, or to make meaningful comparisons. Also, for the government, it is difficult to form a clear overview of the quality of higher education programs being offered in the country. This paper argues that a robust national system of accreditation is required to address these issues. Oman’s national program accreditation system is set to establish nation-wide, generic program standards which are internationally benchmarked but also address local needs. There will be consistency in the program accreditation process which will provide a national oversight of the quality of programs being offered and a helpful comparison of programs by stakeholders. The paper concludes that a national system of program accreditation is critical to the development of the Omani higher education sector while recognising that bona fide non-Omani external program accreditation is complementary to this and is to be encouraged.
The Oman Academic Accreditation Authority is developing a national system of program accreditation applicable to all higher education programs in Oman. This paper explores the rationale for the development of this system. Globally, there is an increasing number of accreditation bodies working int...