مقالة علمية
Earthquake focal mechanism and oceanic thrust microplate analogy with Oman ophiolite

Delouis, B.

مرفقات :


Earthquake focal mechanism and oceanic thrust microplate analogy with Oman ophiolite

Delouis, B.

Previousw ork has suggestedc ompressiona nd thrustf aultinga longt he northernb oundaryo f the Easterm icroplated uet o its motionr elativet o theN azeap late.I nversion of the P and SH seismic waves related to a recent Ms:7.1 earthquakleo cateda longt he northernb oundaroy f the Easter microplatein dicatesa thin slivero f crustt hrustinga t a shallow anglet owardsth e South,g ivings upportto this interpretation. T he Oman ophiolitew here similart hrustsh ave been mappedh as beenr ecentlyin terpretedas beingd erivedf rom similarm icroplateen vironmen[Bt oudieer t al., 1997].T his interpretatio1n) providesp ossiblete stst o documentth e existenceo f oceanict hrustsn ear microplatesa, nd 2) suggestsa new solutionto the problemo f how many ophiolitesc ould have obtained oceanic detachment faults which will favour obduetion.

Previousw ork has suggestedc ompressiona nd thrustf aultinga longt he northernb oundaryo f the Easterm icroplated uet o its motionr elativet o theN azeap late.I nversion of the P and SH seismic waves related to a recent Ms:7.1 earthquakleo cateda longt he northernb oundaroy f the Easter micropl...

مادة فرعية

المؤلف : Delouis, B.

مؤلف مشارك : A. Nicolas
Ildefonse, Benoit
H. Philip

بيانات النشر : Geophysical Research Letters، 1998مـ.

التصنيف الموضوعي : العلوم البحتة|الجيولوجيا .

المواضيع : Earthquake .

oceanic thrust .

رقم الطبعة : 9

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