رسالة جامعية
أساليب الدفاع في ضوء بعض المتغيرات لدى طلبة الصفين العاشر والحادي عشر بمحافظة جنوب الباطنة = Defense style among Tenth and Eleventh Grades Students in South Batinah Governorate (according to some variables)

الخروصي، خالد بن عبد الله.


أساليب الدفاع في ضوء بعض المتغيرات لدى طلبة الصفين العاشر والحادي عشر بمحافظة جنوب الباطنة = Defense style among Tenth and Eleventh Grades Students in South Batinah Governorate (according to some variables)

الخروصي، خالد بن عبد الله.

This study aimed to investigate the defense style among the students of tenth and eleventh grades in south batinah governorate. The total sample of the study was (765) male and female students. To get data from the sample group, a questionnaire of defense style (Thagaisin 2005) was conducted. Results of the study showed that the widespread defense style were altruism, self-assertion, self-observation, idealization and anticipation. On the contrary, the defense style of passive aggression, projection, devaluation self were the least frequent occurred. The study also showed statistical differences in the style of altruism, suppression, omnipotence in favor of females and passive aggression in favor of males related to the variable of sex. Similarly, statistical differences were explored in the style of passive aggression, suppression, rationalization, projection, self-observation, devaluation self, projective identification and anticipation attributed to the variable of studying achievement. However, no differences occurred in the remaining style. Also, the study found that the differences in the style of suppression, rationalization and self-observation were more examined in outstanding students while the differences in the style of passive aggression, projection, omnipotence and devaluation were more explored in weak students.

This study aimed to investigate the defense style among the students of tenth and eleventh grades in south batinah governorate. The total sample of the study was (765) male and female students. To get data from the sample group, a questionnaire of defense style (Thagaisin 2005) was conducted. Result...

المؤلف : الخروصي، خالد بن عبد الله.

المشرف : د. ضحى عبود

بيانات النشر : نزوى، سلطنة عمان : جامعة نزوى، 2018مـ.

التصنيف الموضوعي : العلوم الاجتماعية|التربية والتعليم .

المواضيع : طلبة المدارس - محافظة جنوب الباطنة (سلطنة عمان).

الدرجة العلمية : ماجستير

التخصص : إرشاد وتوجيه

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