Quantum systems with finite Hilbert space where position x and momentump take values in Z(d) (integers modulo d) are considered. Symplectic tranformations S(2ζ,Z(p)) in ζ-partite finite quantum systems are studied and constructed explicitly. Examples of applying such simple method is given for the case of bi-partite and tri-partite systems. The quantum correlations between the sub-systems after applying these transformations are discussed and quantified using various methods. An extended phase-space x−p−X−P where X,P ∈ Z(d) are position increment and momentum increment, is introduced. In this phase space the extended Wigner and Weyl functions are defined and their marginal properties are studied. The fourth order interference in the extended phase space is studied and verified using the extended Wigner function. It is seen that for both pure and mixed states the fourth order interference can be obtained.
Quantum systems with finite Hilbert space where position x and momentump take values in Z(d) (integers modulo d) are considered. Symplectic tranformations S(2ζ,Z(p)) in ζ-partite finite quantum systems are studied and constructed explicitly. Examples of applying such simple method is given for the...