The present paper analyzes the impacts of total labor productivity and efficiency in Oman State. As a Gulf state it has depended on oil production for its economic life for the past decades. However, it was typically known for traditional industries and trade, helped by her long sea shores and nearness to India and Africa. Recent introduction of intermediate industries relative to abundant fishing potentials, labor productivity and technical changes in addition to available capital are important variables that help to develop a comprehensive economic structure to the country that can add to its oil revenues and help in promoting its real production sectors. Economic variables and factors of production, total production, total labor and available invested capital are utilized in the analysis. Time series data (1986-1999) were used to analysis improvements in the production patterns. The results of the analysis showed that there were improvements over time in total labor production and total labor efficiency. The results also showed improvements in capital inputs and outputs. It is concluded that intermediate industries in Oman State are advancing in their economic potentials. Key Words: United Arab Emirates, Economic Development, Technological Change, Technical Efficiency, Labor Productivity, Capital Inputs, Total Inputs, Total Outputs, Productive Gain Jel Clasificación
The present paper analyzes the impacts of total labor productivity and efficiency in Oman State. As a Gulf state it has depended on oil production for its economic life for the past decades. However, it was typically known for traditional industries and trade, helped by her long sea shores and nea...