The success in academics’ career need to be promoted through the increasing of academicians’ career adaptability (CAA). Hence, this study aims to investigate the mediating effect of career adaptability (CAA) on the relationship between psychological capital (PsyCap) and academics’ career success beside the antecedent role of PsyCap for both CAA and academics’ career success. Further, this study adapted the quantitative approach which requires primary data that were collected from full-time university lecturers working in public universities Sudan. Out of the 250 self-administrated questionnaires, 209 were returned for final analysis. The obtained data was analyzed by using the SEM-Smart-PLS 3.2.7 software techniques. The results revealed that PsyCap resources were positively related to academics’ career success directly and indirectly through the CAA resources as well. Interestingly, the result showed that academicians need to embrace CAA resources by giving more concern, control, curiosity, and confidence which help them to take the advantage of PsyCap resources towards achieving their success in career. Finally, the paper closed with implications and conclusion.
The success in academics’ career need to be promoted through the increasing of academicians’ career adaptability (CAA). Hence, this study aims to investigate the mediating effect of career adaptability (CAA) on the relationship between psychological capital (PsyCap) and academics’ career success bes...
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