Higher Education Studies


Higher Education Studies

Higher Education Studies (HES) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers and researchers in the field of post-secondary education. The journal is published quarterly in both print and online versions by the Canadian Center of Science and Education.

Higher Education Studies (HES) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers and researchers in the field of post-secondary education. The journal is published quarterly in both print and online versions by the Canadian Center of Scien...

بيانات النشر : Canada : Canadian Center of Science and Education، 2011مـ.

التصنيف الموضوعي : المعارف العامة|الدوريات العامة .

المواضيع : Higher education - Periodicals .

نوع الإصدار : فصلية

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