The purpose of this analytical article is to describe the development of Distance Learning For Common Courses Research Project at the Omani Sultan Qaboos University (SQU); analysing literary evidence of the possibility of offering distance learning (DL) courses as a feasible option to the physical classroom learning. Omani educational system is faced with the continuous annual growth in students’ number due to the ever-increasing enrollment. This has its implications to the issue of Omani higher education cost-efficiency considering the decrease in state fund. The article brings in the recommendation that Omani educational institutions integrate the use of DL technologies with traditional classroom courses. DL programmes could be targeted to oncampus regular students. Students would enroll in a combination of multimedia based learning courses and traditional lecture based courses. By making use of DL, Omani educational institutions can offer quality education to cope with the growth in enrollment. Courses can be offered in a multimedia and traditional formats, which will help diminish the impact of the facility restrictions
The purpose of this analytical article is to describe the development of Distance Learning For Common Courses Research Project at the Omani Sultan Qaboos University (SQU); analysing literary evidence of the possibility of offering distance learning (DL) courses as a feasible option to the physic...