The overall aim of this study is to investigate the stated beliefs and the reported practices related to continuous professional development (CPD) of teachers of English in the context of a large-scale top-down education reform. Within this broad perspective, the study aimed to identify the CPD activities which teachers of English in Oman say they engage in and explore their stated beliefs about CPD. It also aimed to investigate policy makers' plans and views with regard to CPD and compare them with the perspectives held by teachers. The ultimate aim of these investigations is to develop a better understanding of the implications the findings may have for our general understandings of the relationship between educational innovation and teachers' practices in CPD. The study took place in two main stages. Stage 1 followed a quantitative approach in which a questionnaire was designed and implemented with the aim of investigating teachers' beliefs and practices related to CPD. A total number of 324 teachers responded to the questionnaire representing 70% of the target population. In stage 2, a qualitative approach was employed using semi-structured interviews mainly for the purpose of in-depth investigation of issues arising from stage 1. A total of 12 teachers and seven Ministry officials were involved in this stage. This study highlights the interaction between a range of inter-related factors which collectively shape teachers' beliefs about continuing professional development. It also provides evidence of the importance of considering teachers' beliefs in an era of reform. It highlights the impact of the deeply held beliefs of teachers on their interpretation of the reform principles and eventually on their practices. The study reveals a level of mismatch between the CPD system on the one hand and teachers' beliefs and practices on the other. The study also points out the potential consequencesof such lack of congruence which may result in frustration and lack of confidence amongst teachers. The study illustrates the importance of the clarity of the system in the form of policy dissemination of CPD reform through outlining the relevant hoped-for and intended principles/guidelines to the concerned people at various levels.
The overall aim of this study is to investigate the stated beliefs and the reported practices related to continuous professional development (CPD) of teachers of English in the context of a large-scale top-down education reform. Within this broad perspective, the study aimed to identify the CPD acti...