High gain, wide bandwidth, low noise, and low-power transimpedance amplifiers based on new BiCMOS common-base topologies have been designed for fiber-optic receivers. In particular a design approach, hereafter called "A moreFET approach", added a new dimension to effectively optimize performance tradeoffs inherent in such circuits. Using conventional silicon 0.8 µm process parameters, simulated performance features of a total-FET transimpedance amplifier operating at 7.2 GHz, which is close to the technology fT of 12 GHz, are presented. The results are superior to those of similar recent designs and comparable to IC designs using GaAs technology. A detailed analysis of the design architecture, including a discussion on the effects of moving toward more FET-based designs is presented.
High gain, wide bandwidth, low noise, and low-power transimpedance amplifiers based on new BiCMOS common-base topologies have been designed for fiber-optic receivers. In particular a design approach, hereafter called "A moreFET approach", added a new dimension to effectively optimize performance tra...
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