ورم اونكوسايتوما للغدة الكظرية ذات السلوك الخبيث غير المؤكد = Adrenal Oncocytic Neoplasm with Uncertain Malignant Potential

Ahmed, Mooyad A.


ورم اونكوسايتوما للغدة الكظرية ذات السلوك الخبيث غير المؤكد = Adrenal Oncocytic Neoplasm with Uncertain Malignant Potential

Ahmed, Mooyad A.

Adrenal oncocytic neoplasms (AONs) are a rare group of tumours with a somewhat uncertain natural history and clinical behaviour. Out of 46 cases of AON reported to date, 6 cases were histologically classified as neoplasms with uncertain malignant potential. We report the case of a 35-year-old male with an incidentallydetected large AON with mostly benign morphology and some characteristics which would make its behaviour uncertain

Adrenal oncocytic neoplasms (AONs) are a rare group of tumours with a somewhat uncertain natural history and clinical behaviour. Out of 46 cases of AON reported to date, 6 cases were histologically classified as neoplasms with uncertain malignant potential. We report the case of a 35-year-old male...

مادة فرعية

المؤلف : Ahmed, Mooyad A.

مؤلف مشارك : SureshKannan K. S
Zaid R. Raouf
Sreedharan V. Koliyadan
Christopher S. Grant
Al Habsi, Ahmed H
P. A. M Saparamadu
Dhuha Al-Sajee

بيانات النشر : Muscat، Sultanate of Oman : Sultan Qaboos University / College of Medicine and Health Sciences، 2013مـ.

التصنيف الموضوعي : العلوم التطبيقية|العلوم الطبية .

المواضيع : Adrenal tumors .

الغدة الكظرية - أورام .

رقم الطبعة : 2

المصدر : Sultan Qaboos University / College of Medicine and Health Sciences : Muscat، Sulatante of Oman.

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