ورقة بحثية
Evaluation of Hormonal Treatment with Sponges and PMSG on Reproductive Performance and Profitability of Awassi Sheep Reared under Semi-Intensive Management Systems = تقييم المعاملة بالاسفنجات وهرمون مصل دم الفرس الحامل على الكفاءة التناسلية والربحية لأغنام العواسي المرباة تحت نظام الإدارة شبه المكثفة

Al Karablieh, Emad K.


Evaluation of Hormonal Treatment with Sponges and PMSG on Reproductive Performance and Profitability of Awassi Sheep Reared under Semi-Intensive Management Systems = تقييم المعاملة بالاسفنجات وهرمون مصل دم الفرس الحامل على الكفاءة التناسلية والربحية لأغنام العواسي المرباة تحت نظام الإدارة شبه المكثفة

Al Karablieh, Emad K.

Intravaginal progesterone impregnated sponges and PMSG hormonal injection is a new herding practice for sheep introduced to farmers in order to synchronize estrous and superovulation to increase lambing rate, twinning rate, and to synchronize lambing. Sheep flocks, raised under a semi-intensive system, were selected and divided into two groups; control and treated (sponge and PMSG). The study was repeated for seven breeding seasons to evaluate the reproductive performance and profitability of this practice. Treated groups showed a significant increase (P < 0.001) in fertility, lambing, twinning, and prolificacy rates compared to controls. The average fertility for treated groups was 84.8% and whereas for controls, it was 62.7%. Lambing rate increased from 64.9% to 111.0% and twinning rate increased from 3.13% to 29.9% as a result of treatment. Partial budget analysis was used to determine the profitability of this practice. The incremental net return due to hormone treatment was 8.91 JD/ewe.

Intravaginal progesterone impregnated sponges and PMSG hormonal injection is a new herding practice for sheep introduced to farmers in order to synchronize estrous and superovulation to increase lambing rate, twinning rate, and to synchronize lambing. Sheep flocks, raised under a semi-intensive syst...

مادة فرعية

المؤلف : Al Karablieh, Emad K.

مؤلف مشارك : Abdelrahman, M.M

بيانات النشر : Muscat، Sultanate of Oman : Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences، 2000مـ.

التصنيف الموضوعي : العلوم التطبيقية|الزراعة .

المواضيع : Sheep .

الماعز .

رقم الطبعة : 2

المصدر : Sultan Qaboos University : Muscat، Sultanate of Oman.

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