ورقة بحثية
Neurological manifestations of intussusceptions in a group of patients aged below 5 years

Hashim, Jasim Mohammed.


Neurological manifestations of intussusceptions in a group of patients aged below 5 years

Hashim, Jasim Mohammed.

Intussusception occurs when a portion of the alimentary tract is telescoped into an adjacent segment.It is a one cause of intestinal obstruction between 3months and 6years of age. The majority of cases in children are idiopathic.Aim of study: To study the nature of neurological signs and symptoms and to describe the characteristics of the patients presenting in this a typical way.

Intussusception occurs when a portion of the alimentary tract is telescoped into an adjacent segment.It is a one cause of intestinal obstruction between 3months and 6years of age. The majority of cases in children are idiopathic.Aim of study: To study the nature of neurological signs and symptoms an...

مادة فرعية

المؤلف : Hashim, Jasim Mohammed.

بيانات النشر : العراق : كلية التمريض/ جامعة الكوفة، 2012مـ.

التصنيف الموضوعي : العلوم التطبيقية|العلوم الطبية .

المواضيع : َAlimentary tract - Diseases .

الأمعاء - أمراض .

Children - Diseases .

الأطفال - أمراض .

رقم الطبعة : 1

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